Photo Essays

25 November 2016
The Mediterranean fruit fly was reported for the first time in the Dominican Republic in March 2015. It was found in an almond tree off the coast of Punta Cana, the eastern region of the island. As soon as the government announced the presence of this pest, the United States banned the import of 18 fruits and vegetables, severely affecting the country’s main source of income after tourism: agricultural exports.

How a Nuclear Technique is Helping the Dominican Republic Win the War Against the Mediterranean Fruit Fly

16 November 2016
Participants at the Third International Conference on Nuclear Knowledge Management - Challenges and Approaches highlight their takeaways from the conference in this image gallery.
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More than 450 participants from 61 countries and 10 international organizations gathered to discuss ways of establishing and managing nuclear competencies. The conference provided an opportunity to share experiences and lessons learned as well as practical approaches to knowledge management that can be used at the organizational, national, and international levels. Find out more about the conference <a href="">here</a>.

Impressions: IAEA Conference on Nuclear Knowledge Management

Participants at the Third International Conference on Nuclear Knowledge Management - Challenges and Approaches highlight their takeaways from the conference in this image gallery.

26 September 2016
Commemorating the IAEA's diamond jubilee, these 60 pictures provide an overview of the Agency's history and work in the peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology.

60 Years: 60 Pictures - An Overview of the IAEA's Work

5 July 2016
Thriving fields, lasting change: how nuclear science helps women farmers in Sudan leave hunger and poverty behind

Nuclear Science Helps Women Farmers in Sudan Move Out of Poverty

17 June 2016

How a Nuclear Technique Helped Save the Orange Industry in Western Cape, South Africa

11 January 2016

A New Solution for the Disposal of Low-level Radioactive Waste

11 January 2016

Une nouvelle solution pour le stockage définitif des déchets de faible activité (en anglais)

16 November 2015
On 24 September 2015, irradiated liquid highly enriched uranium (HEU) fuel was removed from a research reactor at the Radiation and Technological Complex in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The following pictures document the removal operation from the reactor hall to the airplane at Tashkent International Airport carrying the fuel to Russia.  (Photo S. Tozser/IAEA)

Route to Security: Removing HEU Fuel from a Research Reactor in Uzbekistan

16 November 2015
On 24 September 2015, irradiated liquid highly enriched uranium (HEU) fuel was removed from a research reactor at the Radiation and Technological Complex in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The following pictures document the removal operation from the reactor hall to the airplane at Tashkent International Airport carrying the fuel to Russia.  (Photo S. Tozser/IAEA)

Путь к физической ядерной безопасности: удаление ВОУ топлива из исследовательского реактора в Узбекистане (на англ. языке)

16 November 2015
On 24 September 2015, irradiated liquid highly enriched uranium (HEU) fuel was removed from a research reactor at the Radiation and Technological Complex in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The following pictures document the removal operation from the reactor hall to the airplane at Tashkent International Airport carrying the fuel to Russia.  (Photo S. Tozser/IAEA)

الطريق إلى الأمن: سحب اليورانيوم الشديد الاثراء من مفاعل بحوث في أوزبكستان (باللغة الإنكليزية)

16 November 2015
On 24 September 2015, irradiated liquid highly enriched uranium (HEU) fuel was removed from a research reactor at the Radiation and Technological Complex in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The following pictures document the removal operation from the reactor hall to the airplane at Tashkent International Airport carrying the fuel to Russia.  (Photo S. Tozser/IAEA)


16 November 2015
On 24 September 2015, irradiated liquid highly enriched uranium (HEU) fuel was removed from a research reactor at the Radiation and Technological Complex in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The following pictures document the removal operation from the reactor hall to the airplane at Tashkent International Airport carrying the fuel to Russia.  (Photo S. Tozser/IAEA)

Progrès en matière de sécurité : retrait du combustible contenant de l’UHE d’un réacteur de recherche en Ouzbékistan (en anglais)

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