General Conference Documents

GC Regular Sessions

| GC55


Information Documents

GC55List of ParticipantsPDF iconGC(55)/INF/9
GC55IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety 20-24 June 2011PDF iconGC(55)/INF/10

Resolutions Adopted by the General Conference

GC55Application of Membership of the Agency - Application by the Commonwealth of Dominica - Resolution adopted on 19 September 2011 during the first plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/RES/1
GC55Application for Membership of the Agency - Application by the Lao People's Democratic Republic - Resolution adopted on 19 September 2011 during the first plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/RES/2
GC55Application for Membership of the Agency - Application by the Kingdom of Tonga - Resolution adopted on 19 September 2011 during the first plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/RES/3
GC55The Agency's Accounts for 2010 - Resolution adopted on 22 September 2011 during the seventh plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/RES/4
GC55Regular Budget appropriations for 2012 - Resolution adopted on 22 September 2011 during the seventh plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/RES/5
GC55Technical Cooperation Fund Allocation for 2012 - Resolution adopted on 22 September 2011 during the seventh plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/RES/6
GC55The Working Capital Fund for 2012 - Resolution adopted on 22 September 2011 during the seventh plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/RES/7
GC55Scale of Assessment of Members' contributions towards the Regular Budget - Resolution adopted on 22 September 2011 during the seventh plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/RES/8
GC55Measures to strengthen international cooperation in nuclear, radiation, transport and waste safety - Resolution adopted on 22 September 2011 during the seventh plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/RES/9
GC55Nuclear Security - Resolution adopted on 23 September 2011 during the tenth plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/RES/10
GC55Strengthening of the Agency's technical cooperation activities - Resolution adopted on 23 September 2011 during the tenth plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/RES/11
GC55Stengthening the Agency's activities related to nuclear science, technology and applications - Resolutions adopted on 22 September 2011 during the seventh plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/RES/12
GC55Implementation of the NPT safeguards agreement between the Agency and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea - Resolution adopted on 22 September 2011 during the seventh plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/RES/13
GC55Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle East - Resolution adopted on 23 September 2011 during the ninth plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/RES/14
GC55Personnel Matters - Resolution adopted on 22 September 2011 during the seventh plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/RES/15
GC55Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Resolution adopted on 22 September 2011 during the seventh plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/RES/16

Decisions of the General Conference

GC55Appointment of External Auditor - Decision adopted on 22 September 2011 during the eighth plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/DEC/9
GC55Amendment of Article XIV.A of the Statute - Decision adopted on 22 September 2011 during the seventh plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/DEC/10
GC55Strengthening the effectiveness and improving the efficiency of the safeguards system and application of the Model Additional Protocol - Decision adopted on 23 September 2011 during the tenth plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/DEC/11
GC55Amendment to Article VI of the Statute - Decision adopted on 22 September 2011 during the seventh plenary meetingPDF iconGC(55)/DEC/12

Plenary Meetings

GC55Plenary - Record of the First MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/OR.1
GC55Plenary - Record of the Second MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/OR.2
GC55Plenary - Record of the Third MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/OR.3
GC55Plenary - Record of the Fourth MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/OR.4
GC55Plenary - Record of the Fifth MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/OR.5
GC55Plenary - Record of the Sixth MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/OR.6
GC55Plenary - Record of the Seventh MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/OR.7
GC55Plenary - Record of the Eighth MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/OR.8
GC55Plenary - Record of the Ninth MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/OR.9
GC55Plenary - Record of the Tenth MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/OR.10

Committee of the Whole

GC55Committee of the Whole - Record of the First MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/COM.5/OR.1
GC55Provisional Agenda for the First Meeting in Meeting Room M6 in Building M, Monday, 19 September 2011, at 2:30 p.m.PDF iconGC(55)/GEN/1
GC55Committee of the Whole - Record of the Second MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/COM.5/OR.2
GC55Provisional Agenda for the Second Meeting of the General Committee in Meeting Room M6 in Building M - Thursday, 22 September 2011, at 9:15 a.m.PDF iconGC(55)/GEN/2
GC55Committee of the Whole - Record of the Third MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/COM.5/OR.3
GC55Committee of the Whole - Record of the Fourth MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/COM.5/OR.4
GC55Committee of the Whole - Record of the Fifth MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/COM.5/OR.5
GC55Committee of the Whole - Record of the Sixth MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/COM.5/OR.6
GC55Committee of the Whole - Record of the Seventh MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/COM.5/OR.7

General Committee

GC55General Committee - Record of the First MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/GEN/OR.1
GC55General Committee - Record of the Second MeetingPDF iconGC(55)/GEN/OR.2
GC55Resolutions and Other Decisions of the General ConferencePDF iconGC(55)/RES/DEC(2011)

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