General Conference Documents

GC Regular Sessions

| GC29


Reports to the Conference

GC29Examination of delegates' credentialsPDF iconGC(29)/770/Rev.1/Add.1
GC29Examination of delegates' credentials - Report of the General CommitteePDF iconGC(29)/770
GC29Examination of delegates' credentials - Report of the General CommitteePDF iconGC(29)/770/Rev.1
GC29The financing of technical assistance - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(29)/771
GC29Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(29)/772
GC29Staffing of the Agency's Secretariat - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(29)/773

Information Documents

GC29Advance information for DelegationsPDF iconGC(29)/INF/225
GC29The Agency's technical co-operation activities in 1984 - Report by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(29)/INF/226
GC29First provisional list of ParticipantsPDF iconGC(29)/INF/227
GC29List of ParticipantsPDF iconGC(29)/INF/227/Add.1
GC29List of ParticipantsPDF iconGC(29)/INF/227/Rev.3
GC29Second provisional list of ParticipantsPDF iconGC(29)/INF/227/Rev.1
GC29Third provisional list of ParticipantsPDF iconGC(29)/INF/227/Rev.2
GC29Information for DelegationsPDF iconGC(29)/INF/228
GC29Convention on the Physical protection of Nuclear Material - Report by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(29)/INF/229
GC29The Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage - Report by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(29)/INF/230
GC29Specimen draft resolution on the regular budget appropriations for 1986 at the September 1985 dollar/schilling exchange rate - Note by the SecretariatPDF iconGC(29)/INF/231
GC29Statement of financial contributions to the AgencyPDF iconGC(29)/INF/232/Corr.1
GC29Statement of financial contributions to the Agency as at 20 September 1985 - Note by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(29)/INF/232

Resolutions Adopted by the General Conference

GC29Approval of the appointment of the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(29)/RES/440
GC29Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear MaterialPDF iconGC(29)/RES/441
GC29South Africa's nuclear capabilitiesPDF iconGC(29)/RES/442
GC29Consequences of the Israeli military attack on the Iraqi nuclear research reactor and the standing threat to repeat this attackPDF iconGC(29)/RES/443
GC29Protection of nuclear installations devoted to peaceful purposes against armed attacksPDF iconGC(29)/RES/444
GC29The Agency's accounts for 1984PDF iconGC(29)/RES/445
GC29Regular budget appropriations for 1986PDF iconGC(29)/RES/446
GC29Technical Assistance and Co-operation Fund allocation for 1986PDF iconGC(29)/RES/447
GC29The Working Capital Fund in 1986PDF iconGC(29)/RES/448
GC29Arrangements for the assessment of Members' contributions towards the Agency's regular budgetPDF iconGC(29)/RES/449
GC29Report of the Joint Inspection Unit on the International Atomic Energy Agency's technical co-operationPDF iconGC(29)/RES/450
GC29Scale of assessment of Members' contributions for 1986PDF iconGC(29)/RES/451
GC29The financing of technical assistancePDF iconGC(29)/RES/452
GC29Staffing of the Agency's SecretariatPDF iconGC(29)/RES/453
GC29Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the StatutePDF iconGC(29)/RES/454
GC29Revision of Article VI of the Statute as a wholePDF iconGC(29)/RES/455
GC29Examination of delegates' credentialsPDF iconGC(29)/RES/456

Decisions of the General Conference

GC29Election of the PresidentPDF iconGC(29)/DEC/1
GC29Election of the Vice-PresidentPDF iconGC(29)/DEC/2
GC29Election of the Chairman of the Committee of the WholePDF iconGC(29)/DEC/3
GC29Appointment of the General CommitteePDF iconGC(29)/DEC/4
GC29Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items for initial discussionPDF iconGC(29)/DEC/5
GC29Closing date of the SessionPDF iconGC(29)/DEC/6
GC29Opening date of the thirtieth (1986) regular session of the General ConferencePDF iconGC(29)/DEC/7
GC29Election of Members to the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(29)/DEC/8
GC29Appointment of the External AuditorPDF iconGC(29)/DEC/9
GC29Elections to the Agency's Staff Pension CommitteePDF iconGC(29)/DEC/10

Plenary Meetings

GC29Record of the two hundred and sixty-ninth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(29)/OR.269
GC29Record of the two hundred and seventieth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(29)/OR.270
GC29Record of the two hundred and seventy-first Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(29)/OR.271
GC29Record of the two hundred and seventy-second Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(29)/OR.272

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