General Conference Documents

GC Regular Sessions

| GC26


Resolutions Adopted by the General Conference

GC26Applications for membership of the Agency. Application by Namibia, represented by the United Nations Council for Namibia, for membership of the AgencyPDF iconGC(26)/RES/393
GC26The Agency's accounts for 1981PDF iconGC(26)/RES/394
GC26The Agency's programme for 1983-88 and budget for 1983 - Regular budget appropriations for 1983PDF iconGC(26)/RES/395
GC26The Agency's programme for 1983-88 and budget for 1983 - Technical Assistance and Co-operation Fund allocation for 1983PDF iconGC(26)/RES/396
GC26The Agency's programme for 1983-88 and budget for 1983 - The Working Capital Fund in 1983PDF iconGC(26)/RES/397
GC26The Agency's programme for 1983-88 and budget for 1983 - The Agency's work in the field of Radioactive Waste DisposalPDF iconGC(26)/RES/398
GC26The Agency's programme for 1983-88 and budget for 1983 - Review of the Agency's ActivitiesPDF iconGC(26)/RES/399
GC26Scale of assessment of Members' contributions for 1983PDF iconGC(26)/RES/400
GC26Staffing of the Agency's SecretariatPDF iconGC(26)/RES/401
GC26The financing of technical assistancePDF iconGC(26)/RES/402
GC26Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the StatutePDF iconGC(26)/RES/403
GC26Examination of delegates' credentialsPDF iconGC(26)/RES/404

Decisions of the General Conference

GC26Election of the PresidentPDF iconGC(26)/DEC/1
GC26Election of the Vice-PresidentsPDF iconGC(26)/DEC/2
GC26Election of the Chairman of the Committee of the WholePDF iconGC(26)/DEC/3
GC26Appointment of the General CommitteePDF iconGC(26)/DEC/4
GC26Adoption of the agenda and allocation of item for initial discussionPDF iconGC(26)/DEC/5
GC26Closing date of the SessionPDF iconGC(26)/DEC/6
GC26Opening date of the twenty-seventh (1983) Regular Session of the General ConferencePDF iconGC(26)/DEC/7
GC26Election of Members to the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(26)/DEC/8

Plenary Meetings

GC26Record of the two hundred and thirty-eighth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/OR.238
GC26Record of the two hundred and thirty-ninth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/OR.239
GC26Record of the two hundred and fortieth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/OR.240
GC26Record of the two hundred and forty-first Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/OR.241
GC26Record of the two hundred and forty-second Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/OR.242
GC26Record of the two hundred and forty-third Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/OR.243
GC26Record of the two hundred and forty-fourth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/OR.244
GC26Record of the two hundred and forty-fifth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/OR.245
GC26Record of the two hundred and forty-sixth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/OR.246

Committee of the Whole

GC26Committee of the whole - Record of the twenty-seventh MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/COM.5/OR.27
GC26Committee of the whole - Record of the twenty-eighth MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/COM.5/OR.28
GC26Committee of the whole - Record of the twenty-ninth MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/COM.5/OR.29
GC26Committee of the whole - Record of the thirtieth MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/COM.5/OR.30
GC26Proposed agenda for the fortieth MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/GEN/61
GC26Agenda for the forty-first MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/GEN/62

General Committee

GC26General Committee - Record of the fortieth MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/GEN/OR.40
GC26General Committee - Record of the forty-first MeetingPDF iconGC(26)/GEN/OR.41

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