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IAEA Director General to Hold Press Conference, 17 December 2021

Vienna, Austria

IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi will hold a press conference at 12:00 CET on Friday, 17 December, in the Press Room of the M-building at the Vienna International Centre (VIC).

Director General Grossi will brief journalists about developments related to the IAEA’s monitoring and verification work in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In line with Austrian health guidelines, journalists who plan to attend the press conference need to show proof of a valid PCR test no older than 48 hours, also if they are vaccinated or recovered.

A live video stream of the press conference will be available. The IAEA can provide video footage and photos from the press conference upon request.


All journalists interested in participating in person at the press conference must register with the Press Office by 14:00 CET on Thursday, 16 December. Please email press@iaea.org.

Press Working Area:

The Press Room on the M-Building's ground floor will be available as a press working area starting from 10:00 CET on 17 December.

COVID-19 Guidelines:

All physical participants must follow Austrian health guidelines including social distancing of two metres and the use of FFP2 face masks on VIC premises, including the Press Room, meeting rooms, security entrance and exit gates and all other common spaces in the VIC, such as corridors, elevators, rest rooms, the Rotunda and in personal interactions with VIC personnel.

Journalists will be requested to complete a contact tracing form. They are also required to comply with the low epidemiological risk criteria as defined by the Host Country when entering the VIC.

Last update: 16 December 2021

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