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Press Arrangements for IAEA Board of Governors Meeting on the Situation in Ukraine, 2 March 2022

Vienna, Austria

The IAEA Board of Governors will convene a meeting at the Agency's headquarters starting at 11:00 CET on Wednesday, 2 March, in the M-Building Plenary Hall, in the Vienna International Centre (VIC).

The meeting is expected to cover the safety, security and safeguards implications of the situation in Ukraine.

The Board of Governors meeting is closed to the press.

Photo Op:

There will be a photo opportunity before the start of the Board meeting, at 10:40 in the M-Building Plenary Hall.

Press Conference:

IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi will hold a press conference on the situation in Ukraine after the Board meeting, in the Press Room of the M-building at the VIC. A live video stream of the press conference will be available. The IAEA can provide video footage from the press conference upon request. Pictures will be available to the press on the IAEA Imagebank’s albums | Flickr.


All journalists interested in participating in person at the press conference must register with the Press Office by 12:00 CET on Tuesday, 1 March. Please email press@iaea.org.

Press Working Area:

The Press Room on the M-Building's ground floor will be available as a press working area starting from 10:00 CET on 2 March.

COVID-19 Guidelines:

Journalists are reminded of the requirements related to the low epidemiological risk when attending the press conference. All physical participants need to show proof of a valid PCR test no older than 48 hours, as well as proof of vaccination or recovered.

Journalists will be requested to complete a contact tracing form. They are reminded that FFP2 masks must be worn in all common spaces in the VIC, including meeting rooms and are encouraged to keep two meters distance to others, if possible.

Last update: 28 February 2022

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