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General Conference Day 3 Highlights


The side event 'Youth in Nuclear and Educator Fellowship: Engaging the Next Generation of Leaders' took place on the margins of the IAEA 63rd General Conference. (Photo: O. Yusuf/IAEA)

During the plenary session of the General Conference, 50 delegations delivered statements, which are available here.

The 2019 Scientific Forum on A Decade of Action on Cancer Control and the Way Forward concluded today with a wrap up session that covered the salient features of the two-day event. View the video here.

The following side events took place on Wednesday:

The focus of the event Youth in Nuclear: Engaging the Next Generation of Leaders was on how to tap into the potential of youth in raising public awareness about the socio-economic benefits of peaceful nuclear applications. The panel discussion also covered mentorship and the development of a skilled workforce to embrace a career in the nuclear field.

At the event Sixth Plenary Meeting of the Global Nuclear Safety and Security Network (GNSSN), delegates were informed about the IAEA’s Consolidated Plan for Safety as a tool to further assist Member States in addressing nuclear safety.

The event Recent IAEA Safety Guides: Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment offered an in-depth-look at three recently issued IAEA Safety Guides: Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment (IAEA Safety Guide No. GSG-8), Regulatory Control of Radioactive Discharges to the Environment (GSG-9) and Prospective Radiological Environmental Impact Assessment for Facilities and Activities (GSG-10). These guides assist Member States in enhancing their efforts to protect people and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation.

The event Promoting Science, Technology and Innovation Through Research highlighted the role of the IAEA’s Collaborating Centres and Coordinated Research Activities in helping countries build expertise and skills in the peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology.

At the event Presentation of the IAEA Nuclear Communicator's Toolbox, delegates were informed about the newly launched Toolbox, which supports effective communication on the benefits and risks associated with nuclear technologies.

During the Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources (DSRS) and DSRS-Net event, delegates learned about the launch the DSRS-Net web-platform and also featured a demonstration on handling disused sealed radioactive sources.

The Building Quantum Technology with Ion Beam Accelerators event highlighted novel applications of quantum technology in medicine, communications and other areas. Delegates heard about the key role of ion beam accelerators in materials modification at an atomic level.

At the IAEA Knowledge Management Assist Visit, delegates learned about the methodologies, tools and examples of the IAEA Knowledge Management Assist Visit (KMAV) to organizations dealing with non-nuclear-power applications. Key elements for an effective approach to knowledge management, such as policy and strategy, human resource processes, training and competence development, procedures and documentation processes and IT solutions were covered.

The 20 Years of the Emergency Preparedness Review (EPREV) Service: Experience and Way Forward event highlighted two decades the EPREV mission. IAEA experts and selected mission hosts share insights, lessons learned, best practices from the 48 missions conducted so far and provided insights at the way forward for the service.

During the event Radiation Safety Information Management System (RASIMS) Version 2.0: An Online Tool to Evaluate National Radiation Safety Infrastructure, IAEA experts presented RASIMS, which enables Member States to compare their national infrastructure for radiation safety to relevant IAEA safety standards. This information can be used as the basis for designing projects and activities to address the identified needs, thus leading to a strengthened infrastructure for radiation safety that is consistent with the IAEA safety standards.

The Reactor Technology Innovation to Support Integration of Renewable Energy Systems and Nuclear Installations event highlighted the benefits of a hybrid energy system combining both nuclear power and renewables to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The IAEA Operation and Maintenance Assessment for Research Reactors (OMARR) Review Service event presented the benefits and methodology of the OMARR review. Delegates were briefed about the Research Reactor Ageing Database, intended for use by operating organizations in establishing, implementing and improving ageing management programmes for research reactors.

During the New Nuclear Power Programmes: Coordinated International Support for Safety and Success event, representatives of the World Association of Nuclear Operators, the Electric Power Research Institute and the IAEA presented resources and support available to help newcomer countries as they add new power to their energy mix.

 At the event Improving Management of Cardiovascular Diseases in Women, delegates heard about how medical imaging using nuclear technology can help with early diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases for women. Panel experts discussed how early evaluation and appropriate intervention including adapting healthy habits can save lives.

Member States activities

The event Path to Global Deployment of Small Modular Reactors Based on Japan’s High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (HTGR) Technology focused on Japan’s HTGR design and development of a small modular reactor. Experts provided information on the HTGR deployment plan and discussed expectations for international collaboration.

At the event Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage (CSC): Making Progress towards a Global Liability Regime, organised by Argentina, attendees heard from representatives of Contracting Parties to the CSC and legal experts concerning the accession to and ratification of the Convention and its contribution towards a global liability regime. Panellists also discussed other developments in 2019, including the launch of the Group of Friends of the CSC in Vienna.

At the U.S. Leadership and Experience in the Development of Advanced Reactor Technologies event, attendees heard about the latest technical and policy advancements on advanced reactor development in the United States as well as the deployment of these technologies starting in the late 2020s to support clean energy, power generation and other industry applications.

At the International Assistance for a Patient from the 1998 Lilo Radiological Accident event, organised by Georgia, attendees learned about the IAEA’s assistance mission with the involvement of the Response and Assistance Network (RANET) following the radiological accident in Lilo, Georgia. You can read more about the impact of this cooperation in this article.

The event Global Elimination of Highly Enriched Uranium from Medical Isotope Production and Non-HEU Medical Isotope Production Technologies, organised by the United States, highlighted global progress towards eliminating highly enriched uranium (HEU) from medical isotope production and to showcase non-HEU medical isotope production technologies.

The event IFNEC — an Enabler of Cooperation in Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, organised by the United States, highlighted the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC) activities, focusing on its Global Ministerial Conference ‘Bringing the world SMRs and Advanced Nuclear Technology’ taking place in November 2019 in the United States.

The New Brazilian Nuclear Policy and the Use of Nuclear Technology for the Benefit of Brazilian Society event, highlighted the new Brazilian nuclear policy, enacted in December 2018, which supports nuclear activities in the country. The policy underpins the country’s nuclear structure and aims to enhance regulation, the use of resources and activities related to nuclear technology used for the benefit of Brazilian society.

The FASTNET Project for Structured and Faster Responses to Nuclear Emergencies event, organised by France, showcased the FASTNET (FAST Nuclear Emergency Tools) project, which is coordinated by the IRSN (France) and involves 20 partners from 18 countries. It has improved the tools needed for a rapid response to emergencies at most nuclear power plants. Combined with a reference database of accident scenarios and a common assessment methodology, these tools will enable emergency centres to better protect the surrounding population.

At the event Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Pakistan through the use of Nuclear Technology, attendees heard about how Pakistan in the past six decades has increasingly applied nuclear technology to achieve sustainable development for its people.

The Ibero-American Forum of Radiological and Nuclear Regulatory Agencies (FORO): Enhancing Nuclear and Radiation Safety through Regional and International Cooperation event, organised by Colombia, provided a forum for IAEA Member States to discuss measures to strengthen regulatory bodies through regional cooperation. Discussions covered the experiences of the Ibero-American Forum of Radiological and Nuclear Regulatory Agencies and other regional initiatives, and identified areas for further collaboration among regional associations and networks.

A Brazilian event, Spotlight on Emerging and Expanding Nuclear Countries, focused on the support needed by countries without nuclear power plants that are planning to introduce nuclear power or countries that are returning to nuclear power plant construction. The event highlighted the challenges such countries experience as well as lessons learned in managing risks during nuclear projects.

The European Commission’s event Stronger Nuclear Security through Effective Cooperation: EU Support through Centres of Excellence in East and Central Africa highlighted the EU’s support to nuclear security Centres of Excellence in Eastern and Central Africa, which has resulted in stronger national and regional nuclear security. With EU support, including targeted activities and ample resources, the Centres use a holistic approach to identify nuclear security challenges and to develop and implement solutions.

The Nuclear Security Culture: International Perspectives event, organised by the United Kingdom, showcased the country’s Nuclear Security Culture Programme. The programme works to raise awareness of nuclear security in key organizations; support implementation of best practice approaches on nuclear security culture; and provide examples of how security culture helps sustain the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

The event Strengthening Public Trust: What it Takes to be a Trusted Regulator, organised by Canada, highlighted how members of the public expect to be involved in nuclear regulatory and licensing processes. Public participation can build trust in those processes and regulators. Discussions covered lessons learned from regulators who are taking steps to build and maintain public trust while regulating for safety.

Other activities

The Government of Benin deposited instruments of adherence to ten International legal instruments under IAEA auspices and brought into force its Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol.

Country Programme Framework (CPF)

A CPF is the frame of reference for the medium-term planning of technical cooperation between a Member State and the IAEA and identifies priority areas where the transfer of nuclear technology and technical cooperation resources will be directed to support national development goals.

Horia Grama, President, Nuclear Agency and for Radioactive Waste, Rodin Traicu, President, National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control, and Dazhu Yang, IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Technical Cooperation, signed Romania’s Country Programme Framework (CPF) for the period of 2020–2025



Last update: 19 Sep 2019

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