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Statement on 60th Anniversary of Entry into Force of IAEA Statute

Vienna, Austria

IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano.

(As preprared for delivery)

July 29th is the 60th anniversary of the entry into force of the IAEA Statute.

The Agency formally came into existence on that date in 1957. From the 26 countries which ratified the Statute that year, we have grown into an organisation with 168 Member States that spans the globe. And our membership continues to grow.

The IAEA is proud to celebrate six decades of serving the world.

Our motto is Atoms for Peace and Development

Our broad mandate ranges from preventing the spread of nuclear weapons, to helping countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goals through the safe and secure use of nuclear technology.

We help to improve the health and prosperity of millions of people by making nuclear science and technology available in health care, food and agriculture, industry and many other areas.

Our work in verifying Iran’s nuclear programme was indispensable in paving the way for the diplomatic breakthrough achieved in 2015 in the form of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

The IAEA is verifying and monitoring Iran’s implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA, acting as the eyes and ears of the world.

We help countries that wish to use nuclear power to do so safely, securely and sustainably. Our role as the centre for international cooperation in nuclear safety and security has grown steadily.
I am grateful to all Agency staff – past and present – and to my four predecessors as Director General for their hard work and dedication.

The combined efforts of all of us have made the IAEA the remarkable and unique organization which it is today. 

The IAEA has faced many challenges in the past 60 years. But it has proven to be flexible and able to learn from experience. We have kept pace with the changing needs of Member States. 

As we begin our seventh decade, I am confident that, with the active support of our Member States, we will deal successfully with all the challenges that lie ahead. 

The IAEA will remain an international organisation of excellence that delivers concrete results and makes a real difference to the lives of people all over the world.

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