As part of a global regime, Contracting Parties are obligated to implement legislative, regulatory and administrative measures to ensure the protection of people and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation throughout all stages of spent fuel and radioactive waste management. Each country commits to uphold safety measures, to prepare a national report on applied measures and to submit the report for review by all Contracting Parties.
“Preparation of the national report contributes to self-assessment of the national radioactive waste management infrastructure,” said the Ghana Joint Convention Working Committee. Since the 1960s, Ghana has used radioactive material in health care, industry and research and plans to introduce nuclear power into its electricity grid. “The system used in compiling national reports has allowed Ghana to harmonize the approach to ensuring safety,” the Committee added. “The Nuclear Regulatory Authority works with the main operator, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, and other operators to prepare the reports, review national reports of other Contracting Parties, submit questions, respond to questions and prepare for the review meetings.”
Contracting Parties conduct peer reviews of national reports that explain how each country meets their obligations under the Convention. The review process culminates in a two-week meeting every three years, where Contracting Parties present and discuss their reports. “The Joint Convention provides a venue to identify and highlight international best practices. It provides a peer review process every three years that enables Contracting Parties to both assess their spent fuel and radioactive waste management regimes and to learn from the best practices and lessons learned of other countries,” stated the USA’s Joint Convention team. The next peer review meeting will be in 2022. Documents related to the Joint Convention, including national reports and newsletters, are publicly available here.