ENSDF is a database that contains evaluated nuclear structure and decay information for over 3,000 nuclides.
Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File
An international network of evaluators regularly contributes to the database, which is maintained by the National Nuclear Data Center at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The database is regularly updated to reflect revised evaluation results. Most of the recently completed evaluations are published in Nuclear Data Sheets, a monthly journal published by Academic Press, a division of Elsevier Science.
ENSDF contains evaluated data for half-lives, properties of ground and excited states of all nuclides and their decay characteristics. For each nuclide, all known experimental data used to deduce nuclear structure information are included. Each type of experiment is presented as a separate dataset. In addition, there is a dataset of "adopted" level and gamma-ray transition properties, which represent the evaluator's determination of the best values for these properties, based on all available experimental data.