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Statement by IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano


The IAEA's 151 Member States have today endorsed the Agency's Action Plan on Nuclear Safety.

This Action Plan - the product of intensive consultations with Member States - is both a rallying point and a blueprint for strengthening nuclear safety worldwide.

It contains concrete and achievable actions to make nuclear safety post-Fukushima more robust and effective than before.

At its core is greater transparency. If there is more transparency, there is more incentive to implement all the actions in the Plan, and to be seen to do so.

We count on Member States to implement the Action Plan fully and vigorously. It will need their sustained commitment and full involvement.

I am confident that the UN High-Level Meeting on Nuclear Safety and Security, which is taking place in New York today, will continue to build on the foundations laid here in Vienna.

We must not lose our sense of urgency. Public expectations are very high.

This is an Action Plan. It is time for action.

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Last update: 16 Feb 2018

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